Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Amazing Creatures

Atari, Ivan and I, sitting on the back of a Galapagos Tortoise. I am about to slip off.
He was taking us on a slow ride to Delaware. 

Atari and I went for a look into the sea. We saw a million creatures swimming in the depths. This was a scary sight because we saw a moray eel coming out of a cave. Ivan was too petrified to swim in the ocean with us.

This is a giant dragon fly.

Here is a giant scorpion who was moving his pinchers. 

These are giant ants.

This is me and Atari, standing next to the giant ants.

Here we are with the giant scorpion, who opened his pinchers again.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Digging for Dinosaurs.

This is me and my brother, Ivan. We are looking for bones in the dino dig.  Right then, Ivan was trying to put a piece of sand in my tunnel.

Here we are again. We are in the science lab studying the new dinosaur bone that we just discovered. We felt like we were the first scientists to find a deinosuchus bone. A deinosuchus is a giant prehistoric crocodile that gobbled up dinosaurs in one gulp.

This is me standing next to a tyrannasaurus. I am scared stiff!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Creatures of Nashville

This is me holding a caterpillar. I love it so much that I didn' t want to leave it.


Above, you will see me pointing to a crane fly in the woods.  The next one, I think is a tiger beetle, that is sitting on a post. My mom and dad were with me when I saw it.  It didn't want to get its picture taken.  Then you see the picture of tadpoles, my first sighting of a wild snake, a giant salamander crawling up a wall, me standing next to a giant praying mantis, a giant mayfly and a giant io moth. Next is Ivan swimming in a deep river with all pond creatures surrounding him.  The last picture is my pet dragon.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Mythical Beasts

This is Pegasus. He just dropped Persius off from getting Medusa's head. He felt good for helping someone.

This is a cyclops, guarding two brother unicorns from the Gorgon Medusa.
These are good unicorns because they just fought off the cyclops. The first one's name is Dianthus and the other is his brother.

This is Medusa and one of her sisters trying to  fight off Persius who is on Pegasus. 

Many Emotions of the Big Horn Sheep

This is a little silly cuz it is a lizard big horn sheep. I found it in the mountains.

A big horn sheep, serious...
I found this one in the mountains too.

This is happy.

This one lost its mom so it is sad. I brought him to his mom.

This is a mad one. I think he is mad because he is in a fight with another big horn sheep!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Nome

This is me holding my nome. He is light.

This is me eating an apple with the nome who eats flies and greens.

I have a nome, a million eyed-bug with legs on both body and tail. I heard about the nome from the movie "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind." (I borrowed the movie from my friend Atari and watched half of it this morning.) 
I feed my nome greens four times a day. And he eats dead insects like house flies and mosquitos. I take care of him every day, every minute. He sleeps once a  day for 30 hours in his cage. When he wakes up, he wakes everyone up with his pitter-pattering.
How did you find him?
I got him at the pet store with a lot more mythical beasts, like dragons, sea serpants, and squids like the Kraken.